English Polish
You won't tell anyone, will you? Tylko nikomu nie mów, dobrze?
I am ready for the show to be over. Niech ten pokaz wreszcie się skończy.
One. Jeden.
Five. Pięć.
Seven. Siedem.
Eight. Osiem.
entryway vent2.wav
Motion trigger- Entry Way vent. Czujnik ruchu - luft wejściowy.
circus gallery.wav
Motion trigger- Circus Gallery vent. Czujnik ruchu - luft Galerii Cyrkowej.
Ballora Gallery- maintenance vent opened. Galeria Ballory - otwarto luft konserwacyjny.
Funtime Auditorium- maintenance vent opened. Audytorium Foxy'ego - otwarto luft konserwacyjny.
breaker room.wav
Motion Trigger- Breaker Room Czujnik ruchu - Pomieszczenie Połączeń
parts and service.wav
Motion Trigger - Parts and Service Czujnik ruchu - Warsztat z zamiennymi częściami
technicial control.wav
Motion Trigger - Technician Control Czujnik ruchu - pomieszczenie techniczne.
Glass Pressure trigger - Please do not push against the glass. Czujnik nacisku - proszę się nie opierać o szybę.
Mystery Board Member: There’s no doubting what you’ve achieved on a technical level. These are clearly state-of-the-art. There are just certain design choices that were made for these robots that we don’t fully understand. We were hoping that you could shed some light on those.
William Afton: She can dance, she can sing! She’s equipped with a built-in helium tank for inflating balloons right at her fingertips. She can take song requests. She can even dispense ice-cream.
Mystery Board Member: With all due respect, those aren’t the design choices we were curious about, Mr Afton.
Tajemniczy Koleś: Bez wątpienia osiągnąłeś wysoki poziom techniczny swoich wynalazków. Zdecydowanie można powiedzieć, że są cudami dzisiejszej techniki. Jednakże są w nich takie części, których niestety nie rozumiemy. Mógłbyś je objaśnić?
William Afton: Śpiewa, tańczy, nic nadzwyczajnego. Ma zbiornik z helem do pompowania balonów końcówkami palców. Przyjmuje propozycje piosenek a nawet rozdaje lody.
Mystery Board Member: Z całym szacunkiem Panie Afton, ale nie o te funkcje nam chodziło.
Daddy, why won't you let me play with her? Tatusiu, dlaczego nie mogę się z nią pobawić?
Welcome to the first day of your exciting new career. Whether you were approached at a job fair, read our ad in Screws, Bolts and Hairpins, or if this is the result of a dare, we welcome you. I will be your personal guide to help you get started. I’m a model 5 of the Handyman’s Robotics and Unit-Repair System, but you can call me Hand-Unit. Your new career promises challenge, intrigue and endless janitorial opportunities.
Please enter your name as seen above the keypad. This cannot be changed later so please be careful.
It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you. One moment. Welcome:
Eggs Benedict. Jajcarz Benedyktyński
You can now open the elevator using that bright, red and obvious button. Let’s get to work!
Allow me to fill this somewhat frightening silence with some light-hearted banter. Due to the massive success and even more-so the unfortunate closing of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, it was clear that the stage was set – no pun intended – for another contender in children’s entertainment. Unlike most entertainment venues, our robotic entertainers are rented out for private parties during the day, and it’s your job to get the robots back in proper working order before the following morning.
You are now in the Primary Control Module. It’s actually a crawlspace between the two front showrooms. Now, lets get started with your daily tasks. View the window to your left. This is the Ballora Gallery Party Room and Dance Studio, encouraging kids to get fit and enjoy pizza. Let’s turn on the light and see if Ballora is on stage. Press the blue button on the elevated keypad to your left.
Uh-oh, it looks like Ballora doesn’t feel like dancing. Let’s give her some motivation. Press the red button now to administer a controlled shock. Maybe that will put a spring back in her step.
Let’s check the light again.
Excellent. Ballora is feeling like her old self again and will be ready to perform again tomorrow. Now, view the window to your right. This is the Funtime Auditorium, where Funtime Foxy encourages kids to play and share. Try the light, let’s see what Funtime Foxy is up to.
Looks like Funtime Foxy is taking the day off. Let’s motivate Funtime Foxy with a controlled shock.
Let’s try another controlled shock.
Looks like Funtime Foxy is in perfect working order, great job! In front of you is another vent shaft. Crawl through it to reach the Circus Gallery Control Module.
On the other side of the glass is Circus Baby’s Auditorium. Let’s check the light, and see what Baby is up to.
Looks like a few of the lights are out, but we can fix that later. Let’s encourage Baby to cheer up with a controlled shock.
Let’s try another controlled shock.
Great job Circus Baby, we knew we could count on you! That concludes your duties for your first night on the job. We don’t want you to leave overwhelmed, otherwise you might not come back. Please leave using the vent behind you, and we’ll see you again tomorrow.
Narrator: Another day, another dramatic entry in the lives of Vlad and his distressed mistress! Where will they go? What will they do? All of that and more happening now!
Vlad: Clara, I tell you, the baby isn't mine!
Clara: Count, I tell you that it is! You're the only vampire I've ever loved! And the baby turns his bottles into powdered milk.
Vlad: That doesn't mean anything.
Clara: He sleeps on the ceiling fan!
Vlad: Upright, or upside down?
Clara: What does it matter? You NEED to be part of your son's life!
Vlad: I'm an old man, Clara! I can't be a father!
Clara: Well, then, at least pay your child support, you deadbeat!
Narrator: Will Vlad and his distressed mistress find common ground? Tune in next time!
Daddy, you let the other children go see her! Why won't you let me go? Tatusiu, inne dzieci mogą a ja nie. Dlaczego?
Night 2-01.wav
Welcome back for another night of intellectual stimulation, pivotal career choices and self-reflection on past mistakes. We’re committed to creating a unique and fulfilling work experience. One part of that commitment is ensure that you don’t get tired of the voice that you’re hearing right now.
Night 2-02.wav
Using the keypad below, please select a new companion voice. For male, press 1. For female, press 2. For text-only, press 3. For other options, press 4.
Night 2-04.wav
It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you. thank you for choosing:
Night 2-05.wav
Angsty Teen. Młody na fazie.
The elevator stopped. You know the routine. You can get out now or... whatever. You can stay here if you want.
So... funny story... a dead body was found in this vent once. Okay... so... not that funny. But it's a story.
Ok, let's start with your nightly chores. You should check on Ballora and make sure she's on her stage but... whatever.
Huh, I guess Ballora has better things to do. Let's zap her! That should be fun.
Argumentative. Standards. Elevation. Passive. Heights.
Let's check on Funtime Foxy, make sure he's ready for show time tomorrow.
Night 2-06.wav
There seems to have been a problem with the voice synthesizer. Default settings have been restored. Please proceed through the vent ahead of you to Circus Baby’s Auditorium.
Night 2-08.wav
Circus Baby had a busy day today! Let’s check the light, and make sure she’s in proper working order.
Night 2-09.wav
Oh Circus Baby, we aren’t here to play hide and seek. Let’s encourage Baby to come out of hiding with a controlled shock.
Night 2-10.wav
Let’s try another controlled shock.
Night 2-11.wav
There seems to be a power malfunction that is affecting our ability to properly motivate Baby. Please stand by, while I reboot the system. I will be offline momentarily during this process. Various other systems may be offline as well, such as security doors, vent locks and oxygen. Commencing system restart.
I don’t recognize you. You are new. I remember this... scenario however. It’s a strange thing to want to do, to come here. I’m curious what events would lead a person to want to spend their nights in a place like this... willingly. Maybe curiosity, maybe ignorance... There is a space under the desk. Someone before you crafted it into a hiding place... and it worked for him. I recommend that you hurry though. You will be safe there, just try not to make eye contact... it will be over soon. They will lose interest. Kim jesteś? Nie znam Cię. Jesteś tu nowy? Podobne rzeczy już tu się działy... chyba. Co Cię tu tak w ogóle sprowadza? Zastanawiam się, czemu ludzie chcą tu pracować nocą... jeszcze tak chętnie. Ciekawość, niewiedza... Pod biurkiem jest pewne miejsce stworzone przez byłego pracownika. Służyło mu to... jako kryjówka. Jeśli nie chcesz by Cię dopadli lepiej się pospiesz i ukryj tam. Będziesz bezpieczny jeśli nie będziesz nikomu w oczy patrzył... aż sobie pójdą. Po prostu im się znudzi.
Hello in there... Witaj...
Someone is inside. Jest tam kto?
Is it the same person? Czy to znowu ty?
Knock, knock... Puk, puk...
We always find a way inside... Zawsze udaje nam się wejść...
She's watching us! Obserwuje nas!
We have to leave now! Musimy już iść!
We will see you again soon! Wkrótce się znów spotkamy!
When your "guide" comes back online, he is going to tell you that he was unsuccessful, that you must restart the system manually. He will then tell you to crawl through Ballora Gallery as fast as you can to reach the Breaker Room. If you follow his instructions, you will die. Ballora will not return to her stage anymore. She will catch you. The power will be restored shortly. When you crawl through Ballora Gallery, go slowly. She cannot see you and can only listen for your movement. When you hear her music become louder, she is growing near, listening for you. Wait, and be still. Gdy już Twój "doradca" powróci, powie Ci, że "niestety, nie udało się", i że będziesz musiał ponownie odpalić całe zasilanie ręcznie. Cały panel znajduje się w pomieszczeniu połączeń. Otrzymasz od niego również informację, że aby się tam dostać, będziesz musiał się jak najszybciej prześliznąć przez Galerie Ballory. Zginiesz, jeśli się go posłuchasz. Ballora schodzi ze sceny i już na nią nie wraca. Od tego momentu będzie starałą się Ciebie dopaść. Energię przywracaj stopniowo. Pmiętaj, że gdy się prześlizgiwał przez Galerię Ballory musisz iść powolutku. Co prawda nie będzie Cię ona widzała ale będzie Cię ona za to bardzo dobrze słyszała i będzie podążać za dźwiękiem Twoich kroków. Czym bliżej będzie, tym głośniej będziesz słyszał jej muzykę. Zapamiętaj: Powolutku i wsłuchuj się w dźwięk. Trzymaj się.
Thank you for your patience. it seems that the power system cannot be restarted automatically. You will need to restart the power system manually. Please return to the primary control module.
You will now be required to crawl through the Ballora Gallery using the vent to your left to reach the Breaker Room. It is recommended that you stay low to the ground, and reach the other side as fast as possible so to not disturb Ballora. I will deactivate myself momentarily, as to not create an auditory disturbance. deactivating.
Why do you hide inside your walls, When there's music in my halls? All I see is an empty room, No more joy - An empty tomb. It's so good to sing all day, To dance, to spin, to fly away.
It seems you are taking a long time. Please proceed as quickly and as quietly as possible.
You may now interface with the breaker control box. Using the interface may disrupt nearby electronics. If you feel you are in danger, feel free to disconnect the interface temporarily, until it is safe to reconnect.
Bon-Bon, say hi to our friends! Bon-Bon, Powiedz "cześć" koledze!
BON-BON, SAY-AY HI TO OUR FRIENDS! Bon-Bon, Po-powiedz "cze-cześć" koledze!
I-I know you're over there somewhere! Wiem, że-że-że tam jeste-teś!
I know you're over there somewhere. Wiem, że tam jesteś!
I see you over there in the dark, c-c-come on out! Da-dawaj, nie wstydź się!
Hey, Bon-Bon, I t-t-think that's the birthday boy over t-t-there. We should go give him a surprise! Ej, Bon-Bon, ta-tam gdzieś jest na-na-nasz solenizant. Cze-Trzeba mu zrobić nie-niespodziankę!
Well, hello again! Witaj ponownie!
Hello, hello again! Witaj, witaj ponownie!
Calm down, and go back to sleep. No one is here. Już, już, spokojnie, nikogo tam nie ma. Wracaj spać.
Shhh, go back to your stage. Everything is ok. Ciii, jest dobrze. Wracaj na scenę.
Everything is ok, let's go back to sleep. Wracaj do spania, jest dobrze.
Oh calm down, I think it was just a mouse. Oh, spokojnie. To pewnie mysz.
Nope, no one is here. Nie... tam nikogo nie ma.
Shhh, it's bedtime. Let's go back to our stage. Ciii, wracaj na scenę. Jest pora spania.
You must be hearing things, silly. Pewnie Ci się przesłyszało.
Great job. This completes your tasks for the night. Please proceed back through the Ballora Gallery with care, and we’ll see you back here tomorrow.
Is someone there? Kto tam?
Is it time for the show? Już nadeszła pora na pokaz?
I can hear someone creeping through my room. Słyszę jak ktoś mi chodzi po pokoju.
Perhaps... not. A może nie...
Narrator: As the sun sets, so also does another chapter in the saga of love lost, between Vlad and his distressed mistress. Can they be reconciled? Can their love rise again? That and more! Happening now.
Vlad: Clara, the baby isn't mine!
Clara: It is, Vlad! They had trouble catching him in the nursery today.
Vlad: So what? Lots of kids get hyper and run around and stuff.
Clara: They had to knock him out of the air with a broom!
Vlad: I have to go.
Clara: They're going to dock your paychecks.
Vlad: They can't do that, I'm a vampire. I don't get paychecks!
Clara: You work the graveyard shift at the Fry Me Taco. Don't lie to me!
Narrator: Oh the humanity! When will the heartbreak end? When will these two ships passing in the night rekindle their long lost love? Tune in tomorrow to find out.
Daddy, just once let me go play with her! She's so pretty and shiny! Didn't you make her just for me? Tatusiu, tylko raz, proszę! Jest taka urocza! Czy nie miała być tylko dla mnie?
Welcome back to another pivotal night of your thriving new career, where you get to really ask yourself, what am I doing with my life? What would my friends say, and most importantly, will I ever see my family again? We understand the stresses of a new job, and we’re here for you. To help you reach a more stable and relaxing frame of mind, we offer several musical selections to help make this elevator ride as relaxing and therapeutic as possible. We offer contemporary jazz, classical rainforest ambiance as well as a wide selection of other choices.
Using the keypad below, please type the first few letters of the musical selection you would prefer.
It seems you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you. Thank you for selecting:
Casual Bongos. Najzwyklejsze bębenki
Now that your elevator experience has been customized to your needs, and your thoroughly relaxed, it’s worth mentioning that due to your lackluster performance yesterday, your pay has been decreased by a substantial amount. Please enjoy the rest of your descent.
Due to unforeseen malfunctions from today’s shows, your nightly duties will require you to perform maintenance that you may or may not be skilled enough to perform. It became necessary for technicians to attempt to disconnect Funtime Freddy’s power module. However, they were unsuccessful. Allowing them to try again would be an inefficient path forward, as we would need to allow six to eight weeks for recovery and physical therapy. You will need to reach the Parts and Service room on the other side of Funtime Auditorium to perform the procedure yourself. Let’s check on Ballora first, and make sure she’s on her stage.
Great, it looks like everything is as it should be in Ballora Gallery. Let’s check on Funtime Foxy. It’s important to make sure she’s on her stage before entering.
Great, it looks like everything is as it should be in Funtime Auditorium. There is no need to check on Baby tonight; please refrain from entering unauthorized areas. Proceed directly to Funtime Auditorium.
Did you know that I was on stage once? It wasn’t for very long.. only one day. What a wonderful day, though. I was in a small room with balloons and a few tables. No-one sat at the tables though, but children would run in and out. Some were afraid of me, others enjoyed my songs. Music was always coming from somewhere else... down a hall. I would always count the children, I’m not sure why. I was always acutely aware of how many there were in the room with me. Two, then three, then two, then three, then four, then two, then none. They usually played together in groups of two or three. I was covered in glitter. I smelled like birthday cake. There were two, then three, then five, then four. I can do something special, did you know that? I can make ice cream - although I only did it once... There were four, then three, then two, then one. Something happened when there was one. A little girl, standing by herself. I was no longer... myself. And I stopped singing. My stomach opened, and there was ice cream. I couldn’t move, at least not until she stepped closer. There was screaming for a moment... but only for a moment. Then other children rushed in again, but they couldn’t hear her over the sounds of their own excitement. I still hear her sometimes. Why did that happen? Wiedziałeś, że występowałam niegdyś na scenie? Co prawda nie długo, bo tylko raz. Ale tak czy siak był to jedne z moich najpiękniejszych dni. Stałą w pokoiku z kilkoma stołami. Wszędzie było mnóstwo balonów, a dzieci wolały biegać to tu to tam nić siedzieć spokonie na krzesłach. Jedne sie mnie bały a inne nie. Muzyka zaś zawsze dochodziła skąś indzień iniżeli tylko ze mnie, ale skąd to już nie wiem. Nie wiem też po co, ale liczyłam dzieci więc zawsze wiedzaiłam ile tak dokładnie jest ich ze mną w pokoju. To dwoje, to troje, to dwoje, to troje, to czworo, to żadnego. Widziałam jak dzieci bawiły się zazwyczaj w dwu lub trzyosobowych grupkach, a ja raz błuszczałam od brokoatu a raz biła ode mnie woń ciast i tortów. I znów było ich to dwoje, to troje, to pięciu, to czterech. Mam pewną niesamowitą umiejętność, wiedziałeś?. Umiem robić lody - ale robiłam je tylko raz. A dzieci było to czworo, to troje to dwoje i nagle jedno. Gdy ta mała dziewczynak stała tak sama przede mną, coś się stało, czego dokłądnie nie pamiętam. Przestałam być sobą, przestałam śpiewać a mój brzuch się otworzył. W środku były lody. Nie mogłam się ruszyć dopuki dziewczynka nie podeszła bliżej. Słyszałam przez chwilę przeraźliwy wrzask, który zdeje mi się słyszeć czasami do dziś, a którego nie słyszały już dzieci, które wtedy wbiegły z powrotem i zaczęły sie głośno bawić. Dlaczego do tego doszło?
Unlike Ballora, Funtime Foxy is motion-activated. For this reason, it’s important to keep the room dark, as to not accidentally activate her. You have been provided with a flash beacon. Use it if you need to get your bearings and to ensure you don’t bump into anything. However, use it as sparingly as possible. Proceed forward to reach the Parts and Service room.
Great job reaching Parts and Service! It seems that Funtime Freddy is out of power, which should make your job much easier. The release switch for the chest cavity is located on the underside of the endoskeleton jaw. To reach it, we will first need to open the face-plated. You will need to press the face-plate release triggers in a specific order, and it’s important to be as precise and as careful as possible. Locate the small button on Freddy’s face, just under his right cheek, and press it.
For clarification, please note that I am referring to Freddy’s right, not your right.
Great! Now locate the button under his left cheek, and press it.
Great! Now carefully locate and press the button next to Freddy’s right eye.
Great! now carefully locate and press the button just above Freddy’s nose.
Good job! The face-plates should now be open. Locate and press the small button on the underside of Freddy’s endoskeleton jaw.
Excellent. The chest cavity should now be open. Remove the power module from the chest cavity.
Great work. You will now be required to remove the secondary power module from the Bonnie hand-puppet. Press the large black button beneath Bonnie’s bow-tie to release the power module.
Press the large black button beneath Bonnie’s bow-tie to release the power module.
Great job. You’ve acquired both power modules. This completes your tasks for the night. Please exit the building through Funtime Auditorium, and we’ll see you back here again tomorrow.
Daddy she can make balloons! Have you seen her make balloons? Oh, daddy let me go to her! Tatusiu, ona dmucha baloniki! Widziałeś to? No tatusiu, pozwól mi pójść do niej!
Shh, be still and quiet. You’ve been sleeping for quite awhile. I think they noticed that you never left the building last night. The cameras were searching for you, but they couldn’t find you. I have you hidden too well. I kidnapped you. Ciii, spokojnie. Przysnęło Ci się, co nie? Pewnie już się zorientowali, żeś wczoraj nie opuścił tego miejsca, poszukiwali Cię na kamerach ale Cię nie widzieli, bo za dobrze Cię ukryłam. Tak jakby Cie uprowadziłam...
Don’t be afraid, I’m not going to hurt you. I am only going to keep you for a little while. Try not to wiggle, though. You’re inside something that came from my old pizzeria. I don’t think it was ever used, at least not the way it was meant to be used. Too dangerous. It’s just big enough for one person to fit inside, but just barely. You’re in the Scooping Room. Do you know why they call it the Scooping Room? It’s because, dummy, this is the room where they use the Scooper. I thought that would be obvious... Isn’t that a fun name for something? The Scooper. It sounds like something you would use for ice cream, or custard, or sprinkles. It sounds like something you would want at your birthday party to ensure that you get a heaping portion of every. Good. Thing. I wonder, though, if you were a freshly opened pint of ice cream, how you would feel about something with that name. Thankfully, I don’t think a freshly opened pint of ice cream feels anything at all. Uh-oh. It sounds like someone else is in the building. Shh. ... ale spokojnie, nic Ci nie zrobię, potrzebuję Cię na jakąś chwilkę. Ukryłam Cię wewnątrz pewnego starego kostiumu więc się nie kołysz za mocno. Nie stosowano tego tak, jak powinno się to stosować. Pewnie zbyt zagrażało życiu. Jak widzisz mieścisz się ale tak idealnie na styk. A wiesz gdzie jesteś? Jesteś w pomieszczeniu ze Scooperem. Wiesz dlaczego to się tak nazywa? Dalego, że właśnie tu uzywamy Scoopera, głuptasku. A myślałam, że będzie to oczywiste. Czy ta nazwa Ci się z czymś nie kojarzy? Ten cały Scooper? Czy nie kojaży Ci się to z czymś używanym do produkcji lodów lub innych deserów i smakołyków? Czy nie brzmi Ci to jak coś, co byś chciał mieć ze sobą na każdej imprezie aby się przed znajomymi popisać? Ciekawi mnie jak się musi czyć takie pudełko lodów, z którego lody wybiera się Scooperem, o ile takie pudełko ma w ogóle jakieś uczucia. O nie... chyba jest z nami ktoś jeszcze. Ciii...
Employee 1: Okay, bring her over. Forward. More. Mooooore, okay stop. Set her down. Watch the step.
Employee 2: What happened to it this time? It just seems these things can’t go a day without breaking down.
Employee 1: Who knows. It’s always the same, man. Some kinda hardware malfunction.
Employee 2: Well like I have to be somewhere in 15 minutes, and this place gives me the creeps. Can we just get this over with?
Employee 1: It’s all automated; we don’t have to be here for it. Just get her on the rollers, and we can go.
Pracownik 1: Dobra, dawaj ją tu. Dalej, dalej, daaaaalej, dobra, już. Zostaw ją tu. Tylko patrz pod nogi.
Pracownik 2: Co z nią tym razem? Te roboty nigdy nie wracają bez usterek.
Pracownik 1: Masz rację. W kółko to samo, brachu. Mnie też denerwują jej ciągłe usterki.
Pracownik 2: Dobra. Sziedimy tu już jakiś kwadrans. Czy nie powinnismy już stąd iść. Te miejsce zaczyan mnie przerażać.
Pracownik 1: Dobrze, że większość tu rzeczy jest zautomatyzowana. Nie chce mi się tu siedzieć. Przełóżmy ją na taśmociąg i zawijamy się stąd.
There is something very important that I’ve learned how to do over time, do you know what this is? How to pretend. Do you ever play make believe? Pretend to be one way, when you are really the other? It’s very important. Ballora never learns, but I do. They think there is something wrong on the inside. The only thing that matters is knowing. How. To. Pretend... W międzyczasie udało mi się opanować pewną sztukę. Ciekawe czy zgadniesz jaką? Opanowałam sztukę podszywania się. Dałbyś wiarę? Być jednym a udawać drugie? Powiem Ci, że jest to dość ciężka sztuka. Ballora jej nigdy nie poznała ale ja już tak. Nie wiem czemu ale oni chyba myślą nad tym co się w jej środku uszkodziło. Ale pamiętaj, że najważniejsze to umieć... się... podszywać.
I’ll open the faceplates for you. That way they can find you on the cameras. Now all you have to do is wait. I’d recommend that you keep the springlocks wound up. Your breathing and your heartbeat are causing them to come loose. You don’t want them to get too loose, trust me. Specjalnie dla Ciebie otworzę teraz płyty twarzowe stroju. Teraz musisz poczekać, aż odnajdą Cię monitorując placówkę. Dobrze byłoby gdybyś teraz trzymał zatrzaski sprężynowe dobrze podkręcone. Obluzowują się, gdy oddychasz czy gdy serce Ci bije. Nie chciałbyś aby wszystkie się poluzowały. Zaufaj mi.
Narrator: As the moon rises, so also rises the tension between sworn lovers.
Vlad: Clara, it's not my baby.
Clara: Vlad, you suck.
Vlad: Wait, was that a vampire joke? That was sooo lame, Clara, like I've never heard that a million times.
Clara: Okay, well how's this, I'm taking the car!
Vlad: The joke's on you! It's a rental.
Clara: Well the joke's on you. I set the thermostat to 90 before I left.
Vlad: Good, I like it warm.
Clara: Good! Because I also set the house on fire!
Narrator: How will it all end? The passion! The tension! The intrigue! Tune in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion.
Daddy isn't watching. Tatuś nie patrzy.
Welcome back to your last day on the job. That is, the last day of your first week! some of the most valued qualities that we like to see in new employees are determination, fearlessness and a genuine disregard for instinctive self-preservation. you’ve earned your one-week bonus which will be given to you in the form of a delightful gift basket, the cost of which will be taken out of your next paycheck. We’ve gift-baskets containing fruit, nuts, flowers and of course the ever-popular cash-basket.
Using the keypad below, please enter the first few letters of the gift basket you would like to receive.
It seems you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you. Thank you for selecting:
Exotic Butters.
Please be aware that there are still two technicians on-site today. Try to avoid interfering with their work if possible. Also, feel free to ask them why they are still there, and encourage them to go home.
Let’s check on Ballora, and make sure she’s on her stage.
Great. Now let’s check on Funtime Foxy.
Great! It looks like everything is as it should be in Funtime Auditorium. Your task today will involve more maintenance work. Circus Baby had a rough day, and is in need of repair. You will be required to reach the parts and service room by once again sneaking through Funtime Auditorium. As always, please proceed with caution.
Great job reaching parts and service! Circus Baby has been deactivated for an unknown reason. It is your job to ensure she is structurally stable and secured to the conveyor. Our technicians will take it from the-
Can you hear me? I’m pretending. Remember how I said that I could pretend? The cameras are watching, I must be careful not to move. Something bad happened yesterday. Something bad always happens. I don’t want it to happen again. There is something bad inside of me. I’m broken. I can’t be fixed. I’m going to be taken to the Scooping Room soon, but it’s not going to fix what’s wrong with me. What is bad is always left behind. Will you help me? I want you to save what is good so the rest can be destroyed and never recovered, but you must be careful. Ballora is here, in the room with us. Ballora will not return to her stage. Ballora will not return to her body. You must be careful, you must remain calm and listen to my voice. There is a button on my cheek. You must find it and press it. Słyszysz mnie? Znów udaję. Pamiętasz jak Ci o tym wspominałam? Nie mogę się ruszyć, bo kamery mnie obserwują. Wczoraj się źle działo, z resztą tak jak zawsze. Nie chcę by mnie to spotkało ponownie. Coś jest ze mną nie tak, jestem uszkodzona i nie da się mnie naprawić. Wkrótce przeniosą mnie do pokoju ze Scooperem ale nie po to by mnie naprawić. Będą mnie niszczyć, bo co złe należy pozostawić. Czy pomożesz mi zachować co dobre, by reszta mogła zostać na zawsze zniszczona? Ale bądź ostrożny, bo Ballora jest z nami z pokoju. Ona już nie wróci w swoim ciele na scenę, dlatego musisz zachować ostrożność i robić to, co Ci będę mówić. Na policzku mam przycisk. Znajdź i kliknij go.
There is a passcode, that you must enter before you can retrieve me. Enter the code carefully. Zanim mnie odeślesz, musisz wprowadzić hasło. Tylko ostrożnie.
Baby_Number 01.wav
One Jeden
Baby_Number 02.wav
Two Dwa
Baby_Number 03.wav
Three Trzy
Baby_Number 04.wav
Four Cztery
Baby_Number 05.wav
Five Pięć
Baby_Number 06.wav
Six Sześć
Baby_Number 07.wav
Seven Siedem
Baby_Number 08.wav
Eight Osiem
Baby_Number 09.wav
Nine Dziewięć
Good, a hatch should have opened. Take the card that you find inside. Dobrz, na moim lewym przedramieniu powinna otworzyć się klapka. Weź stamtąd kartę i umieść ją w swoim "e-przewodniku".
Now you must turn back. I will guide you through Funtime Auditorium, so you can reach the Scooping Room. When you are there I want you to destroy this body. Put the card into your handheld device and I can continue to speak to you. Now, press the green button to your left. This will send me to the Scooping Room. Odwróć się i zawróć. Poprowadzę Cię przez Audytorium Foxy'ego do pokoju ze Scooperem. Gdy już tam dojdziesz, będziesz musiał zniszczyć mnie. To już wszystko. Zielony przycisk po lewej zawiezie mnie do pokoju ze Scooperem.
You must follow my instructions in Funtime Auditorium. Ballora is going to follow you. She will try to catch you. I will help you avoid her. She will not follow you inside the Scooping Room. She is afraid. Go back now. Podążaj za moimi wskazówkami. Ballora będzie Cię śledzić i próbować Cię dorwać, ale nie wejdzie za Tobą do pokoju ze Scooperem, bo będzie się bała. Zawróć już teraz.
Go forward. Rusz w przód
Acces denied. Odmowa dostępu.
Stop. Stój.
Go forward and left. Rusz naprzód kierując się w lewo.
Keep going. Dajesz.
Stop, be silent. Stań i zamilcz.
Go forward and left. Teraz znów w przód i na lewo.
Stop. Stój.
Go forward, you are almost there. znów w przód, prawie dotarłeś.
Stop, She is right in front of you. Don't. Move. Stój. Ballora jest dokładnie naprzeciw Ciebie. Nie próbuj się ruszać.
He is here to help, Ballora. He is not here to hurt us. Ballora, he is here to help us. Ballora nam tu tylko pomaga. Nic nam nie zrobi, tylko pomoże.
Go forward again, Ballora is behind you. She is afraid of the Scooping Room, she will not follow you. Możesz już ruszyć, pozostawiłeś Ballorę w tyle. Nie będzie Cię śledzić, bo boi się Scoopera.
Warning: You’ve entered a highly dangerous area. You’ve entered from maintenance hatch 1B, reserved for cleaning and repair of The Scooper! Entering this side of the room is strictly prohibited by unauthorized persone-
You are in the Scooping Room now. Funtime Foxy has already been here today. Funtime Freddy has already been here today. Ballora has already been here today. Circus Baby has already been here today. I've been out before. But they always put me back. They always put us back inside. There is nowhere for us to hide here. There is nowhere to go, when we look like this. But if we looked like you... then we could hide. If we looked like you... then we would have somewhere to go. The scooper only hurts for a moment. Dotarłeś do Scoopera. Był/a tu już Funtime Foxy. Był tu już Funtime Freddy. Ballora też już tu była. Circus Baby też już tu była. Kiedyś udawało mi się opuszczać te miejsce, ale oni zawsze mnie tu przywozili z powrotem. Wszystkich nas. W takim stanie nie mamy gdzie się ukryć ani gdzie się podziać. Lecz gdybyśmy się upodobnili do Ciebie, wtedy już tak. Moglibyśmy się ukryć i uciec stąd gdzieś. Scooper będzie bolał tylko chwilkę.
Don't tell daddy that I'm here. I've been wanting to watch a show too. I don't know why he won't let me come see you, you're wonderful! Where did the other children go? Tylko o niczym nie mów tacie. Mnie tu nie było. Też chciałam się z Tobą pobawić. Jesteś śliczna. Dlaczego tatuś mi nie pozwalał? I gdzie jest reszta dzieci?
Acces granted. Udzielono dostępu.
It seems that you have accidentally wandered into a restricted area. Due to the sensitive nature of the materials that you may be exposed to here, you will not be allowed to leave until the clean-up crew arrives at 6AM, so hang tight. Rest assured that you will be promptly rescued, fired, then sent home. Thank you for being an employee. We hope that your experience has not been as regrettable as ours.
Why didn't you trust me?
Why didn't you trust me...?
Why didn't you believe me?
Sometimes I don't understand why people do the things that they do...
I thought you liked me.
I thought I did everything right.
We don't want to hurt anyone... But, we need you.
We need you, so that we can leave. We need you, so that we can hide.
We need you, so that we can look like you.
If they find us like this... We won't be able to try again...
If they find us like this, we won't be able to try again. You must help us. You must let us inside the room.
You must... Let us... Inside...The room...
Isn't this why you came here? To be with her again?
I don't understand.
You won't die. And it will only hurt for a moment.
We need you so that we can hide!
We need you so that we can leave...!
I don't understand...,
I don't understand!
I know it was an accident!
Everything is okay. I'm still here.
You have to let me inside the room!
Isn't this why you came here? To be with me again?
I will find a way out...
Announcer: As the trees sway in the wind, so also do emotions sway between star-crossed lovers!
Vlad: You burned down my house?!
Clara: You call that a house? It was like a morgue in there.
Vlad: I may be undead, but you're heartless.
Clara: You need to see your son!
Vlad: The baby isn't mine!
Clara: He ate the cat!
Vlad: Sounds like something he got from your side of the family!
Clara: Well, then, I'm keeping the diamond ring.
Vlad: The joke's on you! I found it in a kids meal!
Clara: You bought a kids meal? Oh, Vlad!
Vlad: Clara!
Narrator: As the hair on the back of a cat stands up straight, so also does the love between Vlad and Clara stand up against all obstacles, but what about the baby? What about the bad child support? Stay tuned next season for all those answers and more.
You won't die.
All I do is dance alone, but now I hear your flesh and bones. I roam these halls alone all day, but now you're here, friend and prey.
save me a dance.mp3
Save me a dance for another day, perhaps?
Well hello ag-gain! Are you r-ready for round two?
Get ready for a surpriiiise!
B~Bon-Bon, go get em
Hey, Bon-Bon, go g-get em'!
Ready or n-not, here I come!
Knock, Knock, anybody home?
Bon-B~Bon, let's not keep our friend waiting!
Oh, birthday boy!
party pooper.mp3
What a party pooper!
I don't want to play hide and seek!
I'm going to find a way inside!
going to get inside_2.wav
I'm gonna get inside!
take me with you.wav
Take me with you.
Father. It's me, Michael. I did it. I found it. It was right where you said it would be. They were all there. They didn't recognize at first but then they thought I was you. And I found her. I put her back together, just like you asked me to. She's free now. But something is wrong with me. I should be dead. But I'm not. I've been living in shadows. There is only one thing left for me to do now. I'm going to come find you. I'm going to come find you. To ja, ojcze, Michael. Udało mi się. Znalazłem naszą zgubę tam, gdzie mówiłeś, że może być. Właściwie to byli tam nawet wszyscy. Wpierw mnie nie poznali, a potem zdawało im się, ze to ty. Ją też odnalazłem i tak jak mnie o to prosiłeś, pomogłem jej się pozbierać. Wreszciejest wolna, ale coś za to jest ze mną nie tak. Powinienem nie żyć a jednak wciąż mogę z Tobą rozmawiać. Jak dawniej zyję w cieniu, a na teraz chcę tylko jendego. Cchę Cię odnaleźć, ojcze. Chcę Cie odnaleźć.