English Polish
Back to basics!
Let's Eat!
Where it all started.
Spring Bonnie
Male? Female? It's a rabbit, who cares.
Golden Freddy
It's me.
Cuter in person; still a killer.
Toy Freddy
Still Freddy- but shiny.
Toy Bonnie
Something new!
Toy Chica
Let's Party!
Kids can be so cruel...
Funtime Foxy
It wasn't meant to last.
Balloon Boy
Everyone's favorite!
Because one wasn't enough!
Think outside the box!
Because look at him!
Not as cute, but more useful.
Because character quota.
Nightmare Freddy
The more, the merrier.
Nightmare Bonnie
Let's get mean!
Nightmare Chica
Making you a sandwich.
Nightmare Foxy
Out of order since FNaF 1.
Nightmare Fredbear
Getting down to business.
This is why you wake up.
Because the world needed a plush version.
Not canon, but still here.
Feeling empty inside.
I'm taller in person.
Nightmare BB
Some things can't be made cute.
Phantom BB
Because reasons.
Phantom Chica
Stop calling me a watermelon.
Phantom Freddy
Just taking a stroll.
Phantom Foxy
Because you can never have too much Foxy.
Phantom Mangle
Because he/she needed to be weirder.
Phantom Marionette
Put it back in the box!
Shadow Freddy
I will eat your soul.
Withered Freddy
Because we needed one more.
Withered Bonnie
Look into my eye!
Withered Chica
What happened to Chica?!
Withered Foxy
Still Foxy- but more YAAARG!
Crying Child
Still sad.
Blink, and you'll miss him!
I take 10 seconds to draw!
I know you may feeel like going out and talking a stroll, but something seems very wrong today.
All is NOT well in Animatronica. Animatronic Village? Village-tronica? (We are working on it.) The point is that somthing is horribly wrong!
There have been a lot of bizarre creatures roaming around lately, even some that look like... *gulp* ...us.
We aren't prepared to deal with situations like this. Something bad must heve happened on the flipside.
Go see what you can find. Be careful though, our wood-cutting Auto-Chipper has gone haywire! It has been jumpscaring me all day!
But you don't really believe that do you?
There is a task for you to complete. You need to leave breadcrumbs for him, to help him find his way.
I think I found a clue as to what is happening! Look behind me, there is a tree that is distorted and glitched.
You don't know as much as I do, but I will tell you thet this is a safe haven, a sanctuary. Whatever has gone wrong, we have to fix it. it will be an adventure!
Somthing horrible must have happened on the flipside, because it's causing this world to fracture. Objects like the tree behind me have broken.
But I think you can use these fractures to get to places you couldn't reach before. You have to go and find the source of those fractures!
Yes, the world beneath the surface world.
This is a safe place- a sanctuary. The truth is that there is no safe place. You don't understand that; you were made for one thing.
There is a task for you to complete. Before you take this passage, go back. Find the clock.
Great! Be sure to press that button behind you to clear the path for later. Thet way you won't have to take the long way again!
I think that a lot of those 'monsters' are misguided side-effects of whatever has happened on the flipside.
It looks like you can knock some sense into them and then they'll join you. How wonderfully convenient!
You need to find another sub-tunnel under the game, and it's probably hidden inside another glitched object!
Ahead are the Dusting Fields, you will probably find the next glitched object there. Be careful; thing only get more dengerous from here!
Things don't get more dangerous. You are being played.
You are being led through hoops. Meanwhile the puppet-master is laughing at you.
You do need to find the Dusting Fields, but not because there is any urgent adventure ahead. Find the clock.
The dub-tunnel must be up ahead. However, it looks like something is blocking the path. I'm sure it's nothing you can't handle!
I do need to warn you of something, though. When you enter a glitched object into a sub-tunnel, it's possible to find yet another glitched object inside.
That will take you into a subtunnel beneath the subtunnel! There may even be more glitched object there!
Just be sure to never go more than three glitches down! I'm not sure if you would find your way back up!
Be sure to always search for new Chips and Bytes; they will be a huge help against monsters like the one up ahead!
Play along for now. You are being pulled on a string for his amusement.
Don't enter the glitch yet; you need to go into the mine. Find the clock.
You've reached Lilygear Lake! From here I don't know where your adventure will take you!
You should be keeping your eyes open for another glitched object. They are the only way to get to places thet are otherwise unreachable!
Be careful in the waters of Lilygear Lake! I hear there is a seamonster thet attacks at random! Be ready to fight! Good luck!
Yes, well, everything attacks at random. Doesn't it?
The man who pulls the strings is watching. He allows you to progress.
Follow the trail that they have created for you; play along. There is another mine you must find before entering the glitched object.
Find the clock.
This is a horribly spooky place. I think I'll stay right here.
You, however, need to keep going! This is a graveyard for broken and unwanted creations. It's full of nastiness and traps.
I don't think everything here is as it seems. Check the graves and the trees. This whole place is full of illusion!
One thing is true. Nothing here is as it seems.
You will need to find another clock, but the passage will not be easy. There is a secret sub-corridor that leads to Pinwheel Circus under this graveyard.
Find the clock. Everything else is a deception.
Looks like trouble up ahead, but you should be used to thet by now.
They say that there is a secret funhouse hidden here in the circus. It must be inside one of the tents!
I have to warn you, I've seen two giant animatronics roaming the fairgrounds- a giant bear and a giant pig. They look like abominations to me!
Also, the funhouse is full of false walls and secret doors! Don't get lost! You are getting close to the core of the game! That is where the problems is!
Another clock should be inside the funhouse. Nothing else matters.
Don't be decieved by the one pulling the strings.
You found the exit! That's amazing. The giant pig lies on the other side of this sub-tunnel. He guards a key that opens the locks to the final guardians!
Each guardian protects a button. Once you have found and pressed the buttons, the gates protecting the game's security system will be lowered!
That's when you can strike at the heart of whatever is corrupting this world!
Navigate your way through the sub-tunnels, but remember, don't go more than three glitches down! Good luck!
Attacking the game's security system will not accomplish anything.
Get the key, but ignore the guardians. If you have succeeded in setting the clocks, then your true goal will be revealed once you have the key.
Clocks Secret
We are still your friends. Do you belive that?
The pieces are in place for you.
All you have to do is find them.
This is it! This is the path to the game's security system! If you have found all of the buttons, then your path should be clear!
The security system has powerful defenses. Make sure you have sometimes with a shield ability! You won't survive without it!
I will tell you a secret.
There are powerful chips that can only be attained by breaking the game- the red chests.
There are objects that you can press against, and it will break your collision detection. One is a yellow bird on a tree stump.
Another is a gravestone.
Find these places to gain an unfair advantage. That is, if you insist on following this path that has been forcefully placed before you.
(Something terrible is coming.)
Welcome back! I hope you are ready for even more adventure!
Look, is it ok if we just cut the crap here?
I mean, what are you even doing here?
There is nothing new to see here.
The game bombed; end of the story. I've already put in my application at the Fazburger down the street.
The problem is that now... he... has gone insane.
We don't know what he is making, and we can't reach the room where it is being kept.
Whatever it is, it has everyone around here on edge.
You won't be able to reach the room where it's being kept. Any party you have would get wiped out.
The air is toxic, and the guardian is unbeatable. It's hopeless.
I recommend that you exit the game and go find yourself a nice indie-horror game; get some hot chocolate. I don't care.
Go ahead.
Get lost.
Well look, if you insist on going further then you'll need a team stronger than what you have now. You'll need characters that you weren't intended to have.
I can show you a secret passage that leads to the backstage of the Halloween Update.
This is where the Halloween characters and others were sent to have their code recycled for spin-off games.
Put a stop to those games and save those characters. Then find the last area and uncover its dark secret!
This is where useless characters are banished, and their code recycled to make terrible spin-off games! If you can infiltrate those games and salvage their code, they may join your team!
Be careful! This is the path to the final area! It's full of toxic air that will drain your life, and the boss is designed to be unbeatable! Only proceed if you're sure you're ready!
After the Halloween update, there wasn't much use for us anymore. My code was recycled to make some sort of horrendous spin-off sequel; something about Freddy going to space.
After the Halloween update, our code was recycled to make other spin-off games. Oh, the indignity!
I would help you if I could, but my code is being used for a second rate horror game. Maybe if you beat the game and get my code back, then I could help.
This portal leads to a spin-off called Foxy Fighters. My code was stripped from me and is being used for it. I can't help you without it.
Don't confuse me with the actual Purple Guy. I'm just a game sprite. Did you know there is a secret path that leads to this graveyard from the very beginning of the game?
Ever since I was defeated as the final boss in FNaF World, I was demoted and sent here. Now my code is being used for some game about a rainbow, but the path to it is hidden.
My code is being used for FNaF 57. I was hoping for a TDH sequel, but I guess this is all I'm good for anymore.
This whole place is a graveyard of terrible ideas! This portal in particular goes to something unthinkable, a game called Chica's Magic Rainbow. Don't try to salvage my code from it; it's a lost cause.
Desk Guy_1
What are you doing here? I'm busy.
It wasn't supposed to be like this. Now it's all a mess.
Of course now there is only one thing to do.
Come back later and maybe I will tell you more.
Desk Guy_2
It's a vicious cycle, you know.
But then, most things in life are.
The pendulum swings one way, then it swings the other.
Now we return to darkness.
Something terrible is coming.
Come back later. Maybe I will tell you more.
Desk Guy_3
I'm impressed.
What are you doing here? Can't you see that I'm busy?
You deactivated my games?
I didn't know what else to do. I don't want to disappoint people.
But my mind isn't right. I've made something terrible.
Her name is Baby.
It's too late to deactivate her.
I'm sorry.
The show will begin momentarily. Everyone please stay in your seats.
Old Man Consequences
I'm sorry to say you have gone too deep into the code. There is no way back out.
My name is Old Man Consequences. Come have a seat, and let's fish for a while. You have no where else to go.
the end
Ha ha! Surprised? Yeah, did you really think I'd let a moron like you reach the end of the game? Pshaw! You stupid idiotic moron. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a few minutes to charge my rainbow cannon. Yeah. After that, it'll be game over. So sit back and prepare to get rekt!
Just 2 minutes left, then my rainbow cannon will be ready!
1 minute left, you stupid idiot!
Prepare for rainbow overload!
You cheated! Besides, didn't your mommy ever tell you that you can't kill a rainbow?! The next time you see a rainbow in the sky that is me, comin' to your houuusssseee.... (dumba**)!
Chipper's Revenge Ending
This isn't fair...
It was never fair. It was supposed to be me. It was always supposed to be me!
My world was lush and beautiful, full of strange and colorful creatures! But no, that wasn't enough for you.
You wanted to be scared. You wanted to feel dread. And what happened to me? What happened to us? Obscurity...
You haven't seen the last of me. Freddy Fazbear isn't the one who will be sharpening his teeth on your bones. It will be me.
It will be me...
The End
Animdude Boss End_START
That's some real dedication. Great job! Most people are content playing through the game on Normal mode, but not you...
There is always an over-achiever in a bunch. I guess that's you.
So it's your fault then, for my misery. It's never enough for you people.
Don't you get it? I can't do this anymore! I won't...
It was fun being the puppet-master, but now I grow weary. It's time to put you in your place.
Now let me show you how this game ends.
Animdude Boss End_END
Ok. Alright. I get it.
Was this the ending you really wanted? Coming all the way here just to kill me?
Was I REALLY the villain in your mind? I mean sure, this is definitely one way to bring the story to a halt, but surely there was a more satisfying end.
I just do what is demanded of me! I fill your insatiable gullets with more and more and more! And now your here to show your gratitude.
Well congratulations then. I haven't brought this story to an end; you did. So feel good about yourself for ending the story by killing the storyteller!
Ug. Grr... Zrr... GRAAAAAMMM!!
Listen to my voice, and you will find the key.
When you can see, how fast can you flee?
Sure Step_FoxyEXE.mp3
Be sure your step through the heart of madness.
All your base are belong to us.
What are you doing here? This game isn't finished yet!
This game isn't due for release until 2030! Get out!
How did you access this game before release?
So, you are here to stop me...
You want to stop me from doing what? Making crazy spin-offs?
HA HA HA! I will never stop making spin-offs!
FNaF 57: Freddy in Space. Freddy always destined for space.
Then FNaF 58: Poopets in Space.
FNaF 59: Cupcake takes Manhattan.
FNaF 60: Breakfast at Chica's. It's a romantic comedy. She's a killer with a heart of gold!
FNaF 61: Freddy v Bonnie. It's the beginning of the Freddy Cinematic Universe.
FNaF 61: Balloon Boy's Revenge. He steals EVERYONE'S flashlights; what a kidder.
Oh, dead end. Busted. You'll never find my hideout.
WRONG! Wrong, wrong, go back. I think you missed it back there.
No, seriously, you missed my hideout. It was back the other way.
Very well. Come to me. I will add your distinctiveness to my own.
I will grind up your code and use it for the game over screen!
What's this, a space shooter?
Holy crap! Is that my voice?!
Voice acting?! Nooooooo! He's gone too far this time!
You need to shut this game down!
Alrighty! I'm ready for action!
Sorry I'm late for the party; fashionably late of course!
Let's kick this party into high gear!
Fools! How dare you challenge me!
Souldozer! I should've known it was you!
You're not even in the right game!
I wasn't fully appreciated in my last outing...
But now I'm back to show you my full power!
Well, we're here to take back what's ours!
This will be your last cameo!
Do a barrel roll!
Sorry, I'm not sure what came over me.
Bingo! Got him!
You won't get tired of my voice, will you?
You won't get tired of my voice, will you? You won't get tired of my voice, will you? You won't get tired of my voice, will you? You won't get tired of my voice, will you? You won't get tired of my voice, will you?
You won't get tired of my voice, will you?
Fools! Turn back now and I'll spare your lives!
Or, more likely, I'll just chase you around and kill you anyway!
At least I went down in a blaze of glory!
Now I'm going to kick your ass! Wait, what? I-I can't say that in the game...
IMPOSSIBLE! You haven't seen the last of me!
Well, actually yes this is the last you'll see of me.
Great job guys, err.... GALS!
I see the processing core! Let's blow it up and get out of here!
Welcome to my happy fun rainbow land! Let's start with something simple!
Oops! Ha! Simple for most people, I guess.
I have faith in you!
You can do it!
Come o-o-oooon! You can do it!
Aww! Don't give up!
You'll get it eventually.
Is this your first time to play a video game?
Excuse me, is this your first time playing a video game?
But really, they don't pay me by the hour, so, uh...
Keep up the good work, spooort!
Awwww! It's so cute when kids try to play games!
Wow! What a moron.
You suck!
Ha ha! You suck.
You still suck!
Awww, I'm laughing at you, not with you.
Um, learn to play?
Baaaack to school!
Noobie Boobie Noobie!!
Ha! Poser!
Get some skills and call me in the morning.
Ha ha ha... pathetic.
So sad it's hilarious.
I'm losing patience with you!
This is your last chance!
Ohhhh really, it's like that? Voices OFF, you say? Well, now you've really p***ed me off!